Saturday, June 28, 2008

Back to China

Alright, so here we go again. As most of you knew, i have headed back to China to finish up the tour of Sound of Music. I am quite excited to head back to China, and think i will have a better outlook on it now that i know what i am getting myself into. Bring on the stinky tofu and scorpian on a stick!!! Having been in the states i have realized what a wonderful experiance i have been given and have a new mind set on the whole trip.

Since i have spent a month and a half over there, i have taken some time to collect a few food items/ comfort foods to head back with. You didn't think I wouldn't bring food, did you? So along with the chocalote covered nuts and little debbies, i did bring back some health bars. I got as many fruit bars as I could, since i didn't feel like i ate my quota of fruits and veggies last time. And yes, that is 20 packets of McDonald's hot mustard. Are you kidding me? You think i am going to eat the sauce they serve in China for chicken nuggets.

Traveling back to China I got up at 6am. Boarded my first flight from Louisville to Chicago at 8:05 am. Left the states at 10:45 en route to Shanghai. Some 14 hours later you arrive in China. The crappiest part was we then had to fly Shanghai to Harbin to get to our final destination and we had flown over it on our flight to Shanghai. The flight to Harbin was 3 hours long. Total travel day including time in the airport was 25 hours!!!! UHHHHH is right. Anyways, i actually had my camera this time flying over the northern icecaps. So check out the photo's i got. The Captain said we were less than 500 miles from the actual North Pole.

We did get to spend one night in Shanghai (before our flight to Harbin). Unfortunatly i was so exhausted from the full day of travel that i crashed in my hotel and slept for 12 hours. This picture is the hotel shuttle they gave us to transport to the hotel with all our luggage. For some reason hotel shuttles never plan on you having any luggage, so Radar (our company manager) is holding all the luggage from falling over. And for referance, 5 of these bags are tour supplies shipped over for us from Troika with things from the states like moving light lamps, rope, and tools.

And finally the board in Shanghai for "some" of the departing flights out that day. Just a little overwhelming!!!And on that note (having spent waaaaaaaay to much time on a plane) it is nice to be back in China and your loyal blogger guide through China.


Anonymous said...

I have posted a comment, per your request.

Good times seeing you before I left town - even if I don't remember them all:)

Keep up the blog, and we'll keep up with you.

cat said...

Wow, u made the mouse trap not seem so bad...