Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So much to say, so little motivation

I am trying so hard to keep all my loyal readers up to date in my current life status. But i have to say when i am in the states and distracted so easily by, well life, it is so hard to get online and post. I have alot of ideas for some blogs, just haven't gotten around to them. Maybe that would bring some peace of mind and sanity to my life if i could actually sit down and write on a regular basis.

Anyways... first off. China. Yep, i said it. As it appears the possibility of going to China may have come around again and I may be interested to see what this leg of "sound of Music" would hold. I know i know... here you are reading the very same blog that has appealed, disguised, and made you think you may never want to step out of the US again, but somehow it has a hold on me. It's weird having been to a country that is in your mind so half as backward, weird, and absolutely stupid, yet at the same time there are so many things to love about it. I have been recently thinking of all the Chinese sayings i know, and if i would ever get the chance to really use them again. Needless to say, alot of things have to fall into place for me to be back in China (say around September) and if it happens, you will surely get to read more about it.

Currently i am working on the ACMA's. The Country Music Awards. It is pretty exciting to enjoy a 10 day run of a show, and it kinda reminds me of actually being on tour. I have worked 12 hour days for the last few days, and starting Thursday we will be in rehearsal for the rest of the week. And i know what you are saying, but Matt "it's only a 3 hour show." Well clearly the technical directors think differently. In fact, just today i spend almost 2 hours in the "storage shed" which is the entire 1st floor of the MGM parking garage sorting cases and organizing all the UNUSED gear. It should be a fun event, and you should watch it cause your's truly will be running one of the spot lights. Now, originally i was suppose to be one of the backstage truss spots. It is a pod that has a light on it that moves vertically from 10' to about 50' in the air... that i control and hit the performers from the back. So i would love to tell you that if you were watching it and i was still doing that, you might catch a glimpse of me on national tv. However, i am too tall to do that, so you will have to settle for knowing i am in front of the action and making everything brighter.

If you haven't heard, Amelia is leaving me for 3 months. Yep, i am very sad cause she is the love of my life and distance will never change that. But alas, she is heading off to (somewhere in New England) to do some summer theatre. I am so proud of her, she is going to be Stage Managing and working backstage on the entire summer season at Shakespeare and Company. It couldn't be a better experience for her, and she and I couldn't be at a better place in our relationship that i am more proud, than sad to see her go do this. Truth be told, I was called and offered the Master Electrician/ partial Lighting Designer for the summer season there, but decided that it wasn't right for me. First off, no matter how i fight it I am not much for Shakespeare. Second, I will make better money here in Vegas and not to mention having no place for our stuff, i am staying here. I am working alot on Danny Ganns in June/July/August, so that will really help. And 3rd, i am still attempting to find some sort of FULL TIME job out there. Somewhere, as frustrating as this has become.

Next update. It just so happens that a tour buddy of mine, Jake, is going to be coming out to live with Amelia and I pretty much until 2010. It couldn't have happened at a better time for us, since Amelia will be gone for a bit. And we were thinking that the 2nd bedroom was not being used enough, for us to be paying for it at least. So this should be fun.

I will leave you with this tid bit.

So now that i am doing alot of conventions out in Vegas, it is really interesting to set up the actual "corporate events" and "business meetings" for large companies like you here about ALL over the news. Well, honestly, i have to tell you. Corporations waste there goddamn money on big conventions regardless of how horrible the economy is or if they are indeed bankrupt. 2 points in case...

Hmmm, lets call them Dome Hepot that happens to be a large home supply nation wide retail company that is almost bankrupt. I did a 4 day load in for them to load in there corporate event in a huge convention space in Mandalay Bay. OK. First off ( ME= $20 an hour times 8 hours times 4 days times alot more workers (like 60)= A SHIT LOAD OF MONEY. Even to start. You add in that they put in over 2000 feet of truss just to hang about 200 lights (this is excessive). And the only reason... was to have 20 pool tables at the event and a stage for Blues Travelers to play. WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY THINKING!!! I truly wanted to photocopy the lightplot that had 20 lights around 1 pool table and mail it off to President Obama to personally view... before giving them a few billion dollars.

2nd Event. I worked a Specialized Drug Convention where like 50 of the top drug companies gathered in Vegas, so that they could all get together and have some pep rally for how to sell there drugs to you. I wasn't at the actual convention, but i did have the time to see the power point while setting up lights. Just a few highlights. One line said "60 percent of Americans uninsured, we don't need national health care, we need specialized health care". And another, " Specialized health care is well intentioned, we just need to reach the right market.

I'm just saying... the government needs to stop giving away our money, and we need to let all these shitty, greedy companies go down... out of business... bankrupt. Once the market levels out where it SHOULD actually be at, then we can start fresh.

THAT, is the American way.

1 comment:

Tommy S said...

Sorry it's taken me a bit to catch up on the blog, but good to catch up. I share your corporate outrage.