Friday, March 14, 2008

China Preparation

Hello and welcome to Doc's blog while he is over in China. I decided to start this for alot of reasons and hope that i can keep a regular fan base for it. I am so excited right now to go over to China and hope that all you all will be as excited for me. Since i won't know if anyone is actaully reading this, the more feedback or comments I get the more excited it is for me to read this.

Since My Space is banned in China and i have no access to my phone, this should be a awesome way for me to fill you in on the everyday where abouts and excitement that is my life IN CHINA. I will try my best to post as much detail about my journey's and adventures as i go into another culture for 8 months. Also, this will be a great place to display some of the photography i take while there.

I am now 36 hours before i leave on my journey and still need to finish my packing. I have found out that the weather will range from 10deg to about 110deg from March until Dec so i am tring to pack as many different clothes as possible. Keeping in mind that when i get cold i usually only where a hoodie, that shouldn't be to hard.

I am a little scared right now to go over to another country and work for 8 months, i have heard alot of horror stories from friends of mine off of 42nd st tour, but i am determined to overcome all the bad karma and have a great time. Here is the itenarary, let me know if you guys find out anything cool i should check out.

March 16- Travel Den-SF-Beijing-Chengdu
March 20-April 6- Chengdu
April 7--14- Chongging
April 15-25- Wuhan
April 25- May 4- Beijing
May 5-11- Xian
May 12-22- Tianjin
May 23-June 1- Harbin
June2- 8 Heifei
June9-15- Nanjing
June 16-25 Ningbo
June 26- July 6 Changsha
July 7-13 Xiamen
July 14-23 Shenzhen
July 24-Aug 3 Guangzhou
Aug4-17 TBD
Aug 18-24 Macau
Aug 25-31 TBD
Sep 1-14 Taiwan
Sept 15-21 TBD
Sept 22-28 Philippines
Sept 29-Oct 12 Thailand
Oct 13- Return to states or possibly India-Dubai

So there you go, enjoy the blog. here are a few photo's of past friends on JCS.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm excited for you, and whether or not you believe in anything guiding our path's here I do, So I will be praying for your safe return. I Love You!
