Saturday, November 15, 2008

Karma's a bitch

So though it is hard to keep a blog running in my everyday life, i do still want to keep all my loyal readers in the loop as to the life and times of a stagehand.

As you know i am working now for 4 different production company's. For the purpose of not getting fired or seriously pissing somone off I will do my best to conceal the city, job, company, and show in which i am refering to. But in the end I am sure my dear friends will figure out alot of that.

So recently I was on a call as the a hydrolic hand placing the lifts and stage in place for a major concert. I was mainly picked for the job because of my height and weight. It really irks me that so many times in technical theatre (and i am sure in most jobs) the big guy is assumed to be able to lift and handle the most weight. So here we are lifting all these heavy steel beams and compressers and it really just wasn't the funnest of jobs. Not that the lifting was the worst part, we were also working with 2 of the traveling crew. One of which was alot of fun to work with, he joked around, didn't take his job to seriously, and wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty to help us out. The otherone was a complete asshole. He had no respect for anyone he was working with(multiple times he would bitch about his coworkers).

After we had placed all the components of the show, we had to run out the air hoses to get to there perspective places. We start to pull out the first air hose(100' long), which was about 4" in diameter and took 2 guys to pull out cause it was so heavy. And one of the guys we had been working with all day came over and startes yelling at us. "wait, wait, you need to turn the box to take the hose out". We'll considering that i have never "turned" a box to accomadate a hose, we found this rather odd. Regardless, he came over and started pulling the hose out of the box, while 3 guys started to spin this box. He continued to yell "faster, faster!!!" as we picked up speed on this 3'X3' box spinning faster and faster out of control. All of a sudden the box spins straight into his crouch and he bends over in two.

As he walked away cussing and bending in pain, the 3 of us could do nothing but smile at each other. And when he was out of ear shot we started cracking the hell up! I guess sometimes if you are an asshole, it will come back to knock you to your knees!

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