Friday, November 21, 2008

Vegas or Bust

So this is the blog of my planning and trip out to Vegas. I spent almost 2 weeks, going through all of my belongings to determine what i would need and should go with me to Vegas. If you could have seen my mom's basement it was packed to the roof in about a 10ft by 10ft space of all the crap i have collected over the years. At least 20 rubbermade bins of crap from my mom's old house that she moved from in 2003, xmas gifts from the last 5 years, unopened boxes that i had shipped home from tour over the last 5 years, and lots of other shit.

Unfortunatly the Gumby slippers didn't make the cut.
It was a long 3 days traveling out to Vegas and some scary moments with my 12year old truck attempting to get over the mountains with the uhaul we were pulling. We were pretty excited to get to Colorado and stop at the visitor's center.
We stopped for the night an hour outside Denver.

The next day we traveled through the beautiful mountain roads winding through Colorado. Then we spent the afternoon an in Utah. Night 2 we stopped off about 6 hours from Vegas. On day 3 we spent another 3 hours in Utah, then 2 hours in Az, and finally about 2 hours in NV to arrive in Vegas.

It was a busy, wild trip but we had alot of fun and happy to arrive in our new apartment.

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