Thursday, March 27, 2008

Little Tid Bits

Some more tidbits of China and SOMA(Sound of Music Asia). And i am certain i will talk about things more than once. So i am sure you can deal with that.

So when we came into the theatre, the linesets on the fly are all out of order. Apparantly that is common, because though they send numbers 1-60. That doesn't mean they are hung in order. So from downstage lineset 55 could be the first, followed by 2, followed by 30, then 22, then 4, then 54. It is great, numbers that mean nothing.

It says on Wikipedia that Chengdu is almost 12 million people. And i can tell you that it is an insane amount of people that have to get around town. There are a ton of bike's and motor bike's that people use to get around. The only problem is that every single brake on these motor bikes/scooters are shot all to hell. Which means that screaming/screeching brake sounds are a common 0ccurance. When you are walking, you are pretty much a moving target. I am convinced that i will stop for cars and scooters, but all the damn bikes better just stop for me. I guess they have no common law that pedastrians have the right of way. The one good thing they have instituted, is that absolutly no trucks can enter cities between 6am-8pm. I think that is awesome, even though it means our show is going to have to loadin at night sometimes.

The biggest problem i was told when coming here, is don't drink the water... Well lets think about this, obviously it has different parasites in it, but i have come use to using it to brush my teeth and stuff. No i don't drink the water just like i don't drink the water in most US cities, but think where all the ice is coming from. They obviously have to get the ice from there water. When you are in restaurants, bottled water isn't very common unless it is a really nice restaurant, so most places serve warm water. Needless to say i have opted out of getting my water at a restaurant, and have gone back to drinking some softdrinks. Alot of the tea drinks are very good. Only certain really nice restaurants serve coffee. Coffee wise though, there is a starbucks on every corner.

If the way you can determine a civilized country is by starbucks, then China is with it. And what is sad is that it is almost more expensive here then in the states. So if i want to blow all my per diem i can buy starbucks every day. McD's is about half the price.

We were at lunch today discussing what we are paying our local staff, and honestly it is probably less than what walmart payes over here.. I don't have any exact facts, but they make around 60 yuan a day and interpetors make 100 yuan. Thats like 10 dollars a day... Good times. As sad as it is I think what it comes down to is that you can't even begin to compare different countries wages. I did walk around and came across a hotel that is 60 yuan a night. That is about 9 bucks.

We found a "western" restaurant that is now our new favorite place to eat. They have couches to sit on when you eat, and it is kinda like an opium den. But the food is great, you can get a full steak for like 60 yuan and you get mashed potatoes... OHH mashed potatoes. I think what i am missing most is taco bell or something italian. And i haven't had the guts to try some of the sushi here (sorry Nick D.) it is just a little scary.

Laundry- haven't really decided what is going on with this. Thank god i brought almost 4 weeks of clothes with me. I was crossing my fingers the show would have a washer/dryer set. But not so much. So the company does find local places we can send it off to, but it is like 6 yuan. They don't have dryers, so basically i may be washing my clothes in the sink.

I am slowly but surely finding comfort foods and things that i actively seek around China. I have been spending alot of time with my interpetor now that i am just hanging out learning more about cultural differences and learning new Chinesse (Jen G. arn't you so proud of me now). I have found a "coco puff" sorta outer shell cookie, with gooey chocolate inside called "Chocolate Pillows" and they are good times. It is hard to find juice at most corner stores, but the markets have it. It is said, but most the time you just want something simple. instead of a boiling bowl of fiery spicy hot water with some chicken bones and noodles in it. Lettuce is a huge rarity here and MAY be why it is so popular in chinese dishes in the states. They have a small salad bar in Pizza Hut, which i haven't seen anywhere else, and the iceberg lettace is ON ice. We all had a good laugh when we saw that.

FYI You will not find any nuts, fancy noodles, lettuce, or celery in any traditional Chinesse dish. Guess they felt the need to add that in the states. And regarding meat, they do not remove any of the fatty content. So it is much more tender and in some cases has more flavor. Flavor=fat=gross

1 comment:

Dee said...

O Matt-I'm sorry I can't pack up some chili and send it to you!
But the chocolate pillows sound good. I should tell you that my entire office is really enjoying your blog--very entertaining and funny. Keep up the good work.
And if you don't see any USA news over there--the U of L Cardinals are in the NCAA Elite Eight!