Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First Night Out in Shenzhen

We arrived at our hotel in Shenzhen and checked in.

From the outside of the hotel you would think this place is amazing, when in fact it isn’t as nice inside the hotel as it is from the outside. But at least there is a cool 50’ sculpture built out of lots of hands. AND there is a 7/11 in the hotel lobby. You can only imagine the excitement when all the cast found out they could get a slurpee in China.

First check on the “to do list” for Shenzhen was Mexican. Unfortunately the taco bell had closed in china. The ex-pat’s(those people that refuse to live in there own country and claim no citizen- ship) in Shenzhen loved it from what I read, but it just didn’t fare while for all the China folk. Lucky for us there was another place called Amigo’s. We went there and I have to say there was no one in the restaurant. But we ate like kings. We were served garlic bread and that made us a little concerned.

I had 3 margarita’s that were amazing, lots of chips and salsa, and the steak fajitas.

I swear it felt like I was in NYC or something. It was awesome. No one was screaming, no bones or grissel was found anywhere, and it had sour cream. SOUR CREAM FOLKS!!!! We were in heaven.

You wouldn’t believe it, but right around the corner from the Mexican restaurant was what? A cold stone!!! There is a god!!!!!!!!!!!

Trust me, I shall return to this street corner soon.

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