Saturday, July 5, 2008

White is In

I have been very interested lately at all the women walking around with umbrella's and parasols. I understand the point in carrying around one when the weather is hot and to avoid the sun for long period's of time, but I started to notice them everywhere, especially on our last trip to ironically "Sun Island".

So i decided to ask Jake's fiance April (who is born and raised in mainland China) why they are so popular. First off she told me that they are protecting themselves against skin cancer. And I told her that you probably won't get skin cancer if you are spending less than an hour in the sun a day. She seemed confused and said "really". And i said i was pretty sure.

However, she also told me that Chinese women are very careful not to spend any time in the sun. Many of them desire to be as white as possible. I also noticed that men really don't care about the sun, most go around without shirts in the summer. As for women, she said that they want to stay as white as possible and some even go through bleaching processes to make them whiter.

Who knew. as for the western world it seems most people aim to be darker and tan as often as possible. But not in China.

PS. This women grabbed me and had to have my picture taken with her. Told ya, I am an outright celebrity. Or maybe i am just fat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby, i think you look fantastic, and i looove the haircut. you should love your celebrity status, some people only get 15 minutes of fame, you got several months! love you.