Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hong Kong By Day

So today was our day off in Shenzhen. And by taking a 10 minute cab ride and a 45 min bus ride you arrive in Hong Kong. A lot of the cast was excited to go see Batman in the IMAX in Hong Kong. I however decided to spend the day with Kit(a local to Hong Kong) and Dan our props head.

It was a fun day traveling all over the city and experiencing daily life in Hong Kong. Just from arriving you immediately feel like you are out of China. Which is an amazing feeling for your lungs and a little reminder of home. When we first got there I noticed they had an Outback, Ruby Tuesday’s, Friday’s, and a lot of western shops and restaurants, but what did we decide to do. Kit took us out for some “local” food. Which I must say is an amazing way to start the day. So we went into this alley and found our selves sitting in a local kitchen.
The noodles were good, a little too see-through for appearance but tasty. But the rest left much to be desired. The veggies that you see here is bok choi, which I have to fill you in on a little story. Having been over in China for so long, you begin to enjoy any veggie you can get your hands on. And the most common green veggie is bok choi. When we were in Harbin, I went out to a nice restaurant and asked for a plate of bok choi. All I can say is there is a reason you don’t overload your body with veggies after being deprived of them for a while. I pulled an entire piece of bok choi out of my butt. Yep, about 5” long, in tact and all, guess my body didn’t want that much greenness in my body. Just saying.
In the second bowl we find nothing but goodness.
Pig’s neck, pig’s intestine, fish balls, and to finish that off some pig skin.
I tried it all. I never again will eat intestines again. They are so disquisting and when you bite into it the juice inside is so gross. I don't understand why anyone would want to eat pig skin, but it totally tastes like... um skin. Pig's neck wasn't horrible. It tasted like ribs but with more fat and some white flakey stuff on the edges (maybe cartledge). I only had one of the fish balls (as seen below). I don't get why the Chinese embrace such smelly crap.
I found it funny that this toilet seat was shipped in from the US in China.
Next we proceed all around town through the historical districts. We walked through residential areas, shopping districts, meat markets, fish markets, and the famous electronic district.

And yes, they will barbecue a full pig right on the street for you.
This guy was quite entertaining. He had a microphone and demonstration table set up “flea market style” and was selling a dusting mitten. He didn’t like it very much that I took a picture of him. I guess he doesn’t want me to invent this handy device in the states.
Here is a picture of the electronic district, in the middle of the street with every light bulb known to man. It is like the electrics section of home depot split up over a city block. Pretty cool.
Carla, you will get a kick out of this next one. Everywhere in China has this system built in there sidewalk for the blind. This grey thread (lines for walking straight, dots for making turns) is used so that the blind can walk the sidewalk. It is an ingenuous way of teaching the blind to get around town. And it must be required by law, because you even find it in some buildings.
The afternoon of our day led us around Hong Kong in taxis, street cars, cable cars, ferries, subways, and a lot of walking. And it was almost 100 degrees today, so I don’t think I stopped sweating. Today and today alone actually made me wish I had a sweat towel with me to attempt to stop sweating.
After running around town, we then went to the theatre district and checked out there main theatre. Kit is a regular ASM in the theatre and we even saw a copy of our show program for our upcoming date of Macau.
The skyline in Hong Kong is amazing, and it was a lot of fun walking around looking at all the buildings and architecture. I will post a video of my trip across the ferry from mainland Hong Kong to Hong Kong Island.
We walked through Hong Kong Park which is very beautiful and a lot of trees and koi pond.

I thought this photo of the new Pizza Hut pizza was kinda gross.

Kit hanging out with Bubba Gump!

Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow.

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