Saturday, August 23, 2008


This is an outright rant about the Olympics and pollution there within. Frankly, I think China pulled one over on the whole entire fucking world. Are we blind? You think “Made In China” is just a joke. You think the million’s of factories that make your goods doesn’t put out some of the worst pollution this world has ever seen? And further more

Well if you aren’t an advocate of Walmart and you think the whole world isn’t getting paid enough for the goods that they spend 24 hours a day making, how much do you think they are getting paid now? Nothing. Because China has no common sense, they just think they can shut down as many factories as they want, in order to clear up the smog in Beijing. Well companies around the US that have plants in China have caught on. Thank god we have computers, cause they can determine what shipments they will need in the months of the “shutdown” and just preorder there goods. Now you tell me? If companies are receiving 3 times as many goods from China before the shutdown, and the shutdown is 2 months long. And CHina got the Olympics by calling them the "Green Olympics" HOW THE FUCK ARE They SOLVING ANYTHING!!!!

And guess what happens in 22 days? Everything goes back to normal. You spend your hard earned dollar on Chinese goods in order to feed a family in Bejing and the environment takes the grunt of it.

Further Reading:,1518,565038,00.html;_ylt=AoXI7TRH0_SmcYXCr9OJsowBxg8F

PS. I don’t want to bitch about the Olympics anymore, cause it is amazing what these games can do(as you will see in my post “Opening Ceremony”. But what George Bush is doing to the Olympics is an outright disgrace. He is using this playform as his reason to get everyone elses country in line with human rights and bombs and countries pushing there agenda on others (China on Tibet). Well, FUCK OFF GWB, face your own goddamn country first!!!

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