Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Western Han Dynasty Museum

One of our days off we did some site seeing around Guangzhou and one of the best places we were told to go was the Museum of The West Han Dynasty and home to the bureal of the Hanyue King. This museum was packed with artifacts from this period in China history that is more than 2100 years old. It is crazy to be able to tour tombs and goods that were built that long ago. In the museum part of the exhibit there was a large donation of "stone pillows" that apparantly were used to sleep on back them. They were actual pillows made of stone that were suppose to bring you good luck and other things if you slept with them. Only the upper class could sleep with them. And when you died, you were buried with them.

Then the eating utensil's, armory, and other goods that survived all these years. Here, Emily is getting attacked by a weird tree on the grounds of the burial site. Finally the tomb area, which was cool as hell. You have to walk down a series of stair and then you are inside of it. Part of the ceiling was removed, part was not. The first part was that of his family and concubines. He had like 7 women that were buried with him and there was apparantly a servent that got buried in the front of the tomb. We didn't get the fully guided tour, but we did notice that all the Chinese guides had alot to say about the door knob... So we felt we should take pictures of it. And as you can see, i didn't exactly fit in the door. Below are the remains of one of the concubines. Finally came the main King's tomb. The original excavators dug out the remains of the king which were found inside this suit. During the time, the kings were buried in a suit of ribbon and jade pieces. Jade has a long history in the Chinese culture and is suppose to bring good luck to you.
Because of the body suit, the remains of the king are in much better condition. Even pieces of bone were still in tack. And the teeth were almost fully in tact.
It was a very educational day and I had alot of fun with the cast.

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