Saturday, August 2, 2008


Look, can you people stop talking poorly about the Olympics, because every time you do they take away or or Facebook or Yahoo over here in China. Seriously!!! STOP. The truth behind this is that someone created a group on Facebook about the Olympics or bitching about China, and China doesn’t fuck around with that. They will just take the website away. It’s like being 5 years old and having an overbearing mother.

On that note, I can assure you that all the protests and bad things that have been said about China have not gotten back to the Chinese. The Chinese are so excited to host a world event and see an international spotlight that they could care less about how the rest of the world views them. And even if they do, they won’t let any bad press get to there common people.

I did however catch a BBC show about the Olympics. (Side note. I’m sorry but why the hell isn’t BBC a staple on American TV. It is so great and has such a worldly view on the news. You hear about both good and bad things happening around the world, and I love it. None of the bullshit DOOMSDAY stories that are on CNN or FOX. ) So back to this BBC news story. The reporter was in Beijing talking about pollution for the Olympics. He said that with only one month to go before the Olympics, China still had done little to improve the quality for the athletes. That the whole reason China got the Olympics was because they promised to make it a “Green Event” and now one month before they started the air quality was still 7 times over the legal limit. He also did a test in the air that showed how many particles per inch there were floating around. And it was also like 7 times over the limit.

What amazed me was that he actually said. “China plans to meet there low pollution level in one month.” He gave no indication that that was a large task. Just that it would be done by stopping all construction sites and limiting cars into Beijing by more than 50percent. All this to me is a bunch of BS, the whole reason China construction is booming is to show off for the Olympics. I think this will be the biggest story during the Olympics, because air pollution in China is just horrible. Not to mention, even if the pollution level goes down during the olympics, after them everything will go back to normal.

And on another note (I don’t recall if I said anything about this yet.). Tyson Food's is shipping in hundreds of tons of chicken for the Olympics. Mostly due to the fact that some Chinese Olympiads have tested positive for steroids from meat in China and been disqualified, and China does put a large amount of steroids in there meat. I’m sorry, but just hearing this while you are in China, is a horrifying realization!!!

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