Monday, September 1, 2008


So to be honest, we really didn't do to much in Fuzhou. It was kinda a chill city after everyone found out we were going home. Therefore everyone spent alot of time around the hotel. And the hotel itself was a piece of crap. Just getting into the hotel we found out there wasn't even an English menu for the restaurant. We had to walk to the hotel next door or order room service during certain hours in order to eat.

Naturally i didn't end up eating much. I ate alot of rice and took a few trips to McDonald's. I sure as heck better be losing some weight, cause you know i haven't eaten like i would in the states. One night we ventured away from the hotel in search of food. The only thing within walking distance was all chinese food. We went in for about 10 min, noticed it was all smelly seafood and left. And that is what is so sad! I love seafood and sushi, just not in China.

Here is a picture of the surrounding lake that was next to the hotel. It was nice to walk around one day, but honestly it was so hot, that was another reason we didn't go anywhere.

This picture was looking out of my hotel room. Every morning at 6 AM they started construction. It was crazy, i had ear plugs in all week long. And i also took this to show just how much construction is going on in China. I would say about 40 percent of all buildings in China are either under construction or in the process of being built. A country on the move.

Good use of a tennis court huh?!?!?!


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